

Conference on Enhanced Due Diligence

22 mai 2024

SFC joined the Zug Commodity Association for a presentation focusing on how commodity trading firms can leverage corporate intelligence techniques to support and enhance their internal due diligence capabilities.

Leveraging corporate investigators to maximum effect

25 septembre 2023

A key part of the value chain for asset recovery, the role and value of corporate investigators remain fairly misunderstood or underestimated. SFC joined TL4 FIRE to dispel myths and misconceptions.

Asset Recovery CEE Conference - our takeaways

18 avril 2023

From perspectives on asset recovery in Ukraine to advances in technology, the conference covered several key challenges for the CEE region and beyond.

Leveraging Corporate Investigators in Asset Recovery: An Update

16 septembre 2022

Led by SFC, this webinar aimed to lift the veil on how lawyers can really leverage investigators and also give a view of recent developments in their practice.

FIRE & ICE: Freezing the Un-Freezable

21 juin 2021

A multi jurisdictional and multi practice panel of experts convened by ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE to discuss the world of unusual assets.

Everything you always wanted to know about Investigators

22 avril 2021

Roundtable organized by ThoughtLeaders4 Fire to address common myths and misconceptions about investigators.

Tracing assets in Switzerland

12 juillet 2020

Webinaire à destination des avocats russes sur le thème des recherches d’actifs à l’étranger, organisé par le Centre Européen de Coopération Juridique.

Corporate intelligence for lawyers

8 mars 2019

Corporate intelligence investigations in the context of legal proceedings - with the Association of International Business Lawyers (AIBL)


Tales of unsuccess stories

A true success story requires an alignment of factors that combine into seamless recovery proceedings. An asset tracing investigation is only one of these factors, whatever its quality of execution.
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Freezing oligarchs’ assets: yes, but…

As efforts to freeze the assets of Russian individuals under sanctions have made headlines, we wished to reflect on the operational difficulties caused by the complexity and opacity of the ...
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Shell Companies, Data Hurdles Give Rise to ‘Oscar,’ EU’s Newest Sanctions Project

SFC Founder Yannick Poivey comments on Russian oligarchs moving money offshore in a ACAMS - article.
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Leveraging investigations in the context of contentious insolvency proceedings

Creditors sometimes fight the wrong battle: they focus recovery action on the tip of the iceberg, because the debtor has made arrangements to divulge only a minor part of their ...
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« Comptes dormants » : comment les réveiller ?

Il y a toujours des dossiers plus urgents à gérer, mais il faut tout de même se méfier des comptes qui dorment. Les relationship managers en banque privée y sont ...
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Combining external investigations and IT forensic reviews

Quite often, external investigations remain strictly external and do not draw on the wealth of information available within the client’s digital archives. Of course, it is understandable that clients may ...
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Easy steps to kick off an asset search in Switzerland

Switzerland’s recurrent presence in multi-jurisdictional asset tracing exercises is certainly not proportionate to the small size of its territory. With a bit of time and expertise, a number of easy ...
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Investigative strategies in support of asset recovery

In our daily practice of investigations for tracing assets, we are most often confronted with two scenarios: broadly defined assignments ("we don’t know specifically what we are looking for but ...
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